We offer a range of clinics and services including those below. For more information, please visit Health Forms.
If you would like to attend any of the below clinics, please visit the appointments page or use accuRx.
If you are pregnant please make an appointment with any GP for the antenatal booking. We do not need you to be confirmed as pregnant by the surgery staff prior to booking your appointment with the GP. All first antenatals are seen in a general clinic throughout the week, by appointment.
You can refer yourself to local maternity services, details here
Asthma / COPD Clinic
If you are a patient with either ailment, there is a need for an annual review. You will be seen by a nurse for your annual review.
Blood Tests
We provide an in-house phlebotomy service as well as using a phlebotomy service at Gracefield Gardens.
Information on tests results here
Cervical Screening
Smears are routinely checked every 3 years in Lambeth unless you have had a previous result that has shown as abnormal. You will be recalled automatically from the Health Authority for your test every 3 years. You will need to contact the surgery and book an appointment with either of the nurses. It takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks for results to be posted to you directly to your home. Please ensure we have your up-to-date address.
Childhood Immunisations
Please make an appointment with the nurse for childhood immunisations. Details of the NHS vaccination schedule here
Depo-Provera injections and oral contraceptives are available from the nurse by appointment; oral contraceptives are not available as a repeat prescription. Emergency contraceptives are available from the Pharmacist at Touchwood Pharmacy, via the Family Planning Clinic at 41A-C Streatham Hill or the GP.
CVD Risk Assessment
If you fit into the following categories and would like to know your risk of developing a cardiovascular disease, please book an appointment with the HCA.
- Over 40 years of age
- Not Diabetic
- No history of stroke/TIA/Heart attack
- No cardiovascular disease
- BMI greater than 30
Diabetes/Warfarin Care
For your annual diabetic health review you will need to have a blood test at least 1 week before your diabetic review appointment. Please call reception to arrange both your appointments.
Warfarin is also managed on a weekly basis for patients with blood tests taken primarily by the nurse or the HCA by appointment.
We provide screening services for:
- High blood pressure
- High blood lipids and cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Warfarin
- Sickle cell disease
- Rubella immunity
Nurse Services
The practice nurse and the HCA are happy to help with minor ailments and general advice, as well as:
- Immunisations
- Dressings
- Removal of stitches
- Urine testing
- Blood pressure checks
- Blood tests
- Smoking Cessation
- Ear syringing
- Advice on asthma and diabetic management
- Dietary advice
- Advice about operations
- Well woman and well man advice on contraception
We provide postnatal appointments to check mothers and their baby when the baby is 8 weeks old. Please contact reception to book your appointment with the GP and with the practice nurse who will give the first childhood immunisation and make follow up appointments. Please contact us 3 weeks prior to when this is due.
Pre-contraceptive advice
If you are thinking about starting a family, please book an appointment with the nurse or the HCA.
Smoking Cessation
Our HCA provides smoking cessation advice by appointment.
Additionally, you may want to visit www.nhs.uk/quit-smoking.
Travel Advice
If you are travelling abroad please fill out our Travel Health Questionnaire at least 3 weeks before your departure, and make an appointment with the nurse. They will assess which vaccination you had/need and give advice on health issues.
Additionally, you may want to visit www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk.
Weight Loss Advice
If you would like help with weight loss please make an appointment with the HCA. She will assess you and give diet and exercise advice. She will monitor you over a period of time to help you through your weight loss programme.
Women’s Health
Our HCA is happy to see you regarding any issues you have with your well-being by appointment.